Saturday, July 3, 2010

(RRP) - Racer Relocation Program

In case you haven't heard, there is yet another new government agency out there. It is for the relocation of racers who cannot bear to show their face again, ever, because of poor performance. Apparently they are not allowed to call, write, email, blog, etc, etc. Word on the street is that 007's new location is known and its only 4 hours from here. Road trip anyone???


BIG JIM said...

Word on the street is that 007 is selling all of his bikes. We could go up there and run with him.

BIGWORM said...

Latest word is he got a grand for the Epic on eBay, about 10 minutes ago.

bikechain said...

where is my brother?

Double Nought Seven said...

I are here aand I have posted