Monday, January 4, 2010

This just in......

Kent may or may not be doing Felasco. He will need your words of encouragement if he is going to make it. Or, alternatively, beat him up like he is accustom to. Today, the doc said it may be an infection and has put him on some antibiotics. If thats the case, he should be able to make it because he should be feeling better in a couple days. Either way, its probably going to be a very long 50 miles for the out-of-shape, recovering from a flu-like sickness, red dragon butcher. If he does go, I have him talked in to riding the Turner (I think), which means Steve will have a single speed to ride :)


Mark said...

Whew, its gonna be cold. I think the dragon butcher needs to sit this one out. Riding bikes in the 20's!!!???!!! Instead of cutting out at lunch, maybe I sleep in in the morning and join everyone at lunch.

bikechain said...

The Butcher is not feeling too good about it.

BIG JIM said...

I hope it snows. I may do the ride in just a wife beater and cut offs.

Mark said...

It would actually be cool if it snowed. It would just make us sissies seem tougher.