In English folklore, Jack Frost appears as an elfish creature who personifies crisp, cold, winter weather; a variant of Father Winter (also known as "Old Man Winter"). Some believe this representation originated in Germanic folklore specifically in the Anglo-Saxon and Norse winter customs[1][2][3][4].
Tradition holds Jack Frost responsible for leaving frosty crystal patterns on windows on cold mornings (window frost or fern frost).
I had to find somebody responsible for this cold weather Felasco shit. I found him....Jack Frost. Now that I have personified the cold, I can be angry at it and hate it. I hate Jack Frost for what he is going to do to us on this 2010 Tour de Felasco.
I am going to get mean, really mean, like the beat up a fat kid and bitch slap your grandma kinda mean, down right nasty. I need some mean Bikechain crew members to fuel the hate heat for Saturday. Don't misunderstand me, we will still say thanks and hold the door for nice people on Friday night, however, if we come across that cold sprinkling fairy, Jack Frost, we are going to beat his ass.
Oh you know I can get ill with you. I'll knuckle up on Jack Frost fo' sho'
I'm bringing the correct size allen wrench in case I need to remove my seat post. I'll use it in order to beat the hell out of Mr. Frost if we see him out there. If I see the guy who invented the singlespeed I'll proably take care of him as well.
I'm sure Danny Boy has enough hate to fuel us all. I just left his home, where he has woken to 18 degree weather the last two mornings....sans heat. Yep, his HVAC took a dump, and Dan lacks the winter meat for insulation, that some of us enjoy. He's one angry man at the moment!
Jack Frost, the inventor of the single speed, the inventor of 50 mile rides, and the maker of 400 degree teeth melting soup
the chaingain
If spotted on Saturday, you will get pumped on like Citgo. Ron will throw you a beating. Chris will elect you - since you have been campaigning for an asswhoopin. Jim will tint your windows. Etc, etc
thats "chaingang"
Can we just leave right now?
quality. still holdn out for a post from Chris and Steve.
Anyone get a tooth update?
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