Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Seventeen Days and a Wake-Up

In seventeen days, we will be walking to the Waffle House in the dark. Wondering what to eat? How much do I eat? I wonder if I ate too much? Did I eat enough? Did I ride enough? Should I have ridden more? Base miles? More dirt than pavement? Single speed? How much beer did I drink? Why does my head hurt? Why is Kent wearing a ladies Eeyore night shirt from a gas station?

I have come to the realization..... screw it.

This one is about seeing friends, drinking beer with them, walking the line of being arrested for disorderly conduct, and laughing to the point where you forget about all the responsibilities and life events that kept you from riding since the last Felasco.

This one is going to be good.


BIG JIM said...

Yes, this one will be good

bikechain said...

This is funny. I'm already asking myself these questions

Juancho said...

Yes my friend. To hell with the training. Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we ride!

Mark said...

You nailed it Ron. Thanks for the countdown.

BIGWORM said...

The Man speaks the truth!

Spanish Mackerel said...

Juancho summed it up perfectly!

bikechain said...

Ron forgot "I'll gave the large nachos" and "how much to chug/eat this?"