Wednesday, March 18, 2009

You spin my head right round, right round, when ....

And, all the way from out-of-the-blue, put your hands together for the-one, the-only, Doubt. Doubt just showed up today, and no telling how long 'ole doubt will be hanging out. One thing is for sure, since he showed up, everything has fallen into place to comfirm his belonging. Some latecomers to follow his arrival were: Mr. Sore Legs, good 'ole Confusion, Despair and the ever popular What-was-I-thinking. Unfortunately, to make room for the new guests, we had to get rid of some long time favorites; Self Respect and Confidence. So yeh, tonights show is going to suck. Sorry 'bout that. Lets just hope it gets better soon, or there may have to be some changes made at the ticket window. I know I am not going to keep paying way over priced admission for a crappy show. Not that crappy shows are THAT bad, its just, who wants to pay Broadway prices for off-off Broadway shows! Anyway, I am off to ice my ego: 'dya think sucking this hard is a good enough excuse for a race refund? Would USA Cycling buy it?


BIG JIM said...

That's some funny stuff. Mr. Sore legs showed up at my house tonight too.

bikechain said...

I'll see your pitty and raise you a nice slap across the face. Snap out of it. U gonna let some skinny dude beat you when you got all that time in? One thing you got they don't is strength. Use that to your advantage. slower is faster.


BIGWORM said...

Not for nothing, but you still have that big W at the beginning of your surname, right!? Besides, doubt on you is like an ill fitting skirt, it just doesn't look right.

It's still early in the plan, so technically, you're not supposed to be flyin' yet. You're just starting to stretch those new wings. Have faith in what you've done so far, and keep following the path.

Human Wrecking Ball said...

That was a hall of fame post. Welcome to my world btw doubt and I are old pals.

RickySilk said...



bikediet said...

Okay, I'm over it - that didn't last long. Back to full price admission. YeeeeeeeHaaaawwww

RickySilk said...

2 legit
2 legit 2 quit