Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weather to ride, or not to ride, THAT is the question

Whew am I tired of hearing people complain about the cold. Man. Go ride yore bike. I mean, I am sissy when it comes to riding in the cold, but I don't go anouncing it to everyone. 007 was out riding his bike in the snow yesterday, and many people up north would love to be riding in 45 degree blue sky weather. Yeh, its cold. For Florida. It still beats sitting on the trainer, and ya gotta get the miles in of you want to be fast this spring. Chuck the deuces and ride out - boyZ


RickySilk said...

word. It is January after all.

Double Nought Seven said...

Why yes i was out in the cold, an hour yesterday and two hours today. Chris always gives me grief about my bike handling skills but I think riding through snow and ice on a road bike without falling is prettyy decent/ I have started a blog myself which will cover both my training and my travels. It is my hope that you regulars would add me to the loop and check out my musings. Keith

BIG JIM said...

True True

bikechain said...

I will readliy admit I am a little punk. I think it's cold and I don't ride. I tried riding my bike yesterday. Made it three houses down and realized I have some residual hate from Felasco.

RonD said...
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BIGWORM said...

Lil' Ronnie, you're quite the angry little sissy!