Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Drunk One Hundred

On Christmas I was drunk.  I threw down the gauntlet(Red Dragon style) to ride one hundred miles New Years Day, worst of all, there were witnesses to my retardation.  I was committed at this point, rain was my only out.  I ended up riding 103 miles and according to the all knowing Polar, 6034 calories, shouldn't I be clinically dead after that?  I was not going fast, but pedaling for 6 hours and 40 minutes really takes a toll.  I felt good and was happy with my completion without the disasters of the first "Felasco Assessment Ride".  If I had not done it, I would have felt like a punk ass for bailing on my own gauntlet throwing.

The jersey was well used.  I promoted in at least 9 cities and it worked better than it looks.  The earphone port in the back pocket is the shiznit.

Happy New Year to all of the crew and see you suckas in Felasco.


BIG JIM said...

Ron D you are the man. I'm guessing you were on your road bike? I wish you were up here to help motivate the fellas to get on the road more often.

BIGWORM said...

Oh quit your whinin' Jim! Ron hates his road bike! Didn't you read a word I wrote, over at Apebike? Lil' Ronnie is simply self flagelating in order to generate more hate. That way, maybe, he won't cry as much when he has to leave us on Saturday.

RonD said...

I had to look up the definition of flagelating, it means to punish. Big Worm we all know you are a genius, you don't have to throw it in our faces by using big words, dick. "Oh, look at the big brain on Chris".

RickySilk said...

"you a smart mother trucker, that's right! the metric system"

bikediet said...

Yep, I definitely thought flagelate meant something else. Something that Chris likes to do, alot. 100 miles RD? Good job. I haven't ridden that far all month.

RonD said...

I wanted to get all of my road riding out of the way for the year.

bikechain said...
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bikechain said...

Say what again, I dare you! Nice post. I have started the hate training program so one day, maybe one day "the flipper" can compete