Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thinking about a BREW

We don't usually go too far outside of the crew... but lately we've realized there are a bunch of people out there that look at bikechain.com and this blog. Lots of folks in Florida and elsewhere in the states and some from all around the world - that's pretty cool. As big as the world is it's easy to fall into the trap of self-glossing - that is to mean only being worried about shining yourself up for self-promotion. It's OK to have pride but sometimes you need to look around and give credit where due. For a number of reasons I've been thinking about BREW bikes and my facebook friend Steve Brewdude Garn. The guy is an awesome frame builder. The guy is a promotion machine and lately known more for his motorcycles. Best I can remember he cut his teeth on BMX bikes but the crew will remember him best for the 180 and 200 proof MTB frames we used to sell in the mid 90s. Many of these frames are still around and ride great. I've got a large 180 proof (Tim's) for sale if anyone is interested. The cool thing about the Brewdude is he is authentic. He is a tinkerer and magician with all things mechanical. Do your self and poke around on his web site some time - http://www.brewracingframes.com . You have to dig around for the really cool stuff but it's there and worth the price of admission. Look at the pictures of Ol' Rusty and google it - this bike (pictured above) is bad ass. The cool thing about BREW is they are still making new frames - check out the fixie stuff. The cool-est thing about BREW is that they will make anything for you or help you build your own stuff. A few of us have been seriously thinking about taking BREW's frame-building class. I personally been wanting to do this for many years. A few of us have built bikes before and welded many things - but the class is an entirely different level. I been needing a new 29er. Who's in for a January frame-building class?



Mark said...

In!!!!!!! Would love to do that

BIG JIM said...

Out, but I look forward to getting my first bike built by W&W Fabrication.

BIGWORM said...

I really like the idea of it, I simply lack the necessary funds to participate. It would be bad ass to have a Brew 29r with the Fisher geometry...