Friday, February 19, 2010

Winding Up

The last few days have been really good on the MTB (minus the $140 lost for another broken part as a result of ANOTHER crash). Instead of us doing the same ol’ same ol’, we have started putting in some pretty good efforts during the last few rides. Last night’s ride was a blast. It was a small crew with me, Wrecking Ball, Big Worm and Lil Ball. Big Worm was a man possessed. He kept the pace up most of the ride and when he wasn’t attacking, Wrecking Ball was. Even though the efforts definitely hurt it sure felt good to put them in. Unfortunately, the cold weather combined with all of the heaving breathing has got my lungs all screwed up. I’m hacking and coughing like a 70 year old man with COPD. Maybe this little extra kick in everyone’s step is the first sign that Spring and longer days are just around the corner. I can only hope.

The only thing missing from the rides this week were the rest of the crew who were fairly consistent in the early part of fall/winter (Marko, Steve, Berg, and Tim). Sure would like to see those guys back out with us on a weekly basis. Those guys along with the lost boys (Dan, Kent, Ken, Darien, Rick) would make ALMOST everything right in the mountainbiking world.


Mark said...

Completely agree. We should have a reunion ride - every Tuesday night!! I went riding with the boys today, and as expected, I couldn't get anybody to lift the pace....Oh well, it was definitely a great day to ride, and it was cool hanging with the boys

bikechain said...

I hope to find myself soon.