Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I needed some inspiration. I have not ridden with any frequency since Felasco. I am just now starting to recover from having my tooth kicked in by Jack Frost and Mark. Now that I think about it, maybe Mark is Jack Frost. You Tallahassee folks have plenty of inspiration to ride. You are fortunate enough to have an abusive crew to fuel the bike ride fire. I miss that abuse, it made me ride in rain, cold, and heat. I am jealous.

Through numerous eBay transactions and some financial trickery, I built a new ride. I will have to rely on "new bike fever" to get me off the couch, hope it works.


BIG JIM said...

Nice ride. April road trip is my current inspiration.

Mark said...

Dude!!! That bike is bad. I want to sell mine now and get something that cool. I had no idea that road bikes could look tough. You shouldn't need inspiration to ride. You should be out pullin' ho's on that bike everyday. How cold is it getting down there anyway?? 60?