Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Zone 5

Wish I could be there for the first ride out of the new clubhouse. Good luck on the new venture.

Kent- Please get yourself a nice bike, you deserve it. The owner/operator of a bike shop/cafe'/clubhouse shouldn't be riding around on a do-do bike.

Does anybody post on here anymore?????


BIG JIM said...

I'm stalking.

Juancho said...

just lurking. Nothing to see here.

Mark said...

It would have been cool if yo had been here RD. It was a good ride

Unknown said...

Well take it from someone who was actually on the ride (Mark may have been looking out his window and seen us pass by). It was a good ride. Largest weekday crew ride since you were last in town.

BIG JIM said...

Damn, Libby was on the ride too? Everyone but Mark was there...

Kent said...

Ride was a blast. Can't wait till the chocolate covered bacon and beer are waiting when we are done.

Double Nought Seven said...

You could all ride in Perry this weekend! In Amsterdam today, headed to the gym now, then back to beer, oops, I mean bed, well maybe

Mark said...

Just stating the facts Jim.....

Human Wrecking Ball said...
