Friday, February 13, 2009

Training, training and more training

I can't help but feel resentful and out of place. Everyone around me is playing the training game and this was supposed to be the year for me. The more people train and talk about training, the more I pull away. This is very weird. Even weirder is that I feel great. Other than the ponch, I feel better on the bike, can run three miles with no problem and still fair well in a push up competition. It's no secret that a fell completely off after Felasco. A lot of people thought I was joking but something completely snapped in that last eight or so miles of Felasco. Like life reflection snapped. It should have been a clue to everyone when the first thing I did when we got back to the truck was take the front wheel off and load up the bike. I really wanted nothing to do with it. What's crazy is I LOVED the first 40 miles. Despite this hate fatigue, it was the best Felasco ever and I'll do it again next year. I like to make the excuse that we had a lot going on with the team and that added some pressure. Then other times I think maybe I am a pussy ass bitch. Either way I feel a storm brewing. I won't be where I need to be for March 8th, but I feel like I may have something for Bump and Grind. Like my big brother double nought seven, I am seeking redemption. The last time at B&G I flatted three times in the race and had to DNF - which I DON'T do. That was fresh off the heels of a 2nd place at Daucet. But that was two years ago. So I guess what I'm getting at is I like the bike again and I want to be healthier. So all together now, bring your A game and slam me. I need the insults. I need the motivation. The Dragon is still sleeping.

Red Dragon


BIG JIM said...

Listen hear "PAB", just get on your bike and ride. We'll be glad to sit up and wait for you.

Juancho said...

Joe has some nice new comfort bikes available down at the shop. Stop by Lake Ella and let us fit you to something more appropriate to your ability level.

bikediet said...

Awesome, your first comeback of the year. These are always good times. The first down throwing of the gauntelt normally last the longest. But, by number 10 or so at the end of the year, they normally only last a week or two at best. Look forward to riding with you some over the next month, cuz.